
Please click on the links to access individual booking forms. Confirmation will be sent via email within a day or two.

2024 DATES

Samhain marks the Celtic New Year, the end of summer, and the end of the harvest season. It also signaled the beginning of winter. At this time, the veil between the world of the living and the dead is especially thin. Join us as we make time to acknowledge our ancestors and prepare for the winter months ahead through traditional crafts making, guided meditation and group ritual. 


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Yule, or the winter solstice, is an ancient celebration of the rebirth of the sun. Yule holds a traditional significance as a time of change and remembrance, symbolising the shift from one year to the next as the longest night converges with the shortest day. As the Sun fades on solstice eve, it heralds its return, commencing its reign until mid-summer. Join us as we create a traditional craft and connect with the seasons energies through guided meditation and group ritual. 


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Terms & Conditions

Please read the following terms & conditions carefully before booking. Keep a copy of these terms and conditions along with your booking confirmation as these act as a legally binding contract between us.

Places are available only to those who are over 18 years of age on the date of the event unless 16 and accompanied by a parent/legal guardian.

Only those persons named at the time of booking are entitled to attend and you must not turn up at the event with extra guests (human or other!), unless agreed in advance. Please fill in a separate booking for for each person.

Cancellations: Please advise us as far in advance as possible if you need to cancel so that we can offer your space to someone on the waiting list. No shows will not be invited back unless they have very good cause for not informing us that they couldn't make it.

Payment: There is no charge, however, we ask that you kindly make a suggested minimum donation of £5 on the night in order to help cover our costs. Every penny of the funds raised is put back into our Pagan community outreach projects.

Those attending the circles are expected to:

We reserves the right to remove any participant(s) from the event without recourse if we deem their behaviour and conduct unsuitable.

Circumstances that may warrant exclusion from our event include (without limitation):

Should any party be removed under such conditions, we will not be liable for any losses incurred as a result and are also entitled to be recompensed for any reasonable costs arising from removal or damage caused by the party involved.

Participants are responsible for arranging their own personal, medical and cancellation insurance. We are not responsible for personal injury or the loss or damage of personal property or the belonging of participants.

No electronic recordings or photography is allowed at the event.

Mobile phones must be muted or turned off during the event. Please do not answer non emergency calls, read or send text messages or similar during the event as this spoils the atmosphere for others.

Any written materials handed out during the event may not be copied or duplicated in any way except with permission from the authors. All rights are reserved.

In the unlikely event that a participant has cause for complaint about anything experienced during our circles, the complaint should, in the first instance, be made during the event to enable corrective action to be taken if necessary. Should a problem not be resolved satisfactorily during the event, a complaint should be made in writing within 28 days or the complaint will not be upheld.


As a voluntary community group, we rely on donations to help fund our events. Please give whatever you can to help us provide social, educational and ritual opportunities for the local Pagan community. Thank you.